Cats are wonderful, fascinating animals, but caring for a cat can be extremely difficult if you do not know what you are doing. If you considering adopting a cat or are a current pet cat owner, study the info contained in this article very carefully. Utilize all of the great cat tips to keep your kitty healthy.
Keep a clean litter box. Like you, a cat will generally not use a bathroom that is filthy. Find a quiet area out of the way that the box can stay in, and don’t move it unless absolutely necessary. Scoop solids out a couple time of day. Make sure to dump the whole box, wash it with a gentle detergent, and refill it once a week.
Choose a high quality food. The key to a healthy cat starts with nutrition. Take a look at the ingredients label. If you look at most “popular” commercial cat foods, you may be surprised to see the top ingredient listed is corn. Cats are carnivores, so look for a food with a real meat as the top ingredient. You may pay more up front, but these foods are often more nutritionally dense, meaning your cat eats less and the bag lasts longer.
Attend cat shows for tips about your cat. A cat show only costs a few dollars to attend. But when you attend one, you see vendors selling cat items, and show pet owners that give their cats the best of everything. You can get ideas for best brands to feed your cat, as well as ideas for grooming and caring for your cat.
Do not flush clumpable litter in your toilet. This can lead to problems with your plumbing. Instead just lift the clumps and dispose of them in a trash bag. Don’t forget, moisture is what makes the litter clump in the first place! Avoid doing that to your pipes and just dispose of it properly.
If your cat seems to want to avoid his food bowl, try getting a different kind of bowl. Plastic can sometimes turn a cat off if it isn’t cleaned constantly, and can hold on to certain scents. Try glass or a metal bowl for best results, so your cat will keep eating.
If you have more than one cat, it is a good idea for you to give them each their own food bowls. Place them far apart so that each cat has their space. If you provide just one bowl for the cats to share, it may cause larger cats to bully the smaller ones.
You should keep wet cat food in the refrigerator after it has been opened. Bring it to room temperature before serving it to your cat, because it will smell more enticing to them and be less likely to cause an upset stomach. If you like, place it in the microwave for a bit to warm it up.
If your cat is bitten by another cat, try to get him to the vet within 24 hours. The vet can put him on antibiotics that will protect him from infection setting in, and causing serious health problems. Cat bites can trap bacteria under your cat’s skin, forming an abscess, or other dangerous infection that can cost you hundreds of dollars to treat later.
Is your cat really sweet and lovable? If so, they might make a good therapy pet. Pet therapy uses animals to go into places like nursing homes, and bring some joy to the people there. Your cat will be happy with all the attention, and you can feel good about doing something positive for others.
You may often eat things that are quite bad for cats. In part, these include garlic, onions and grapes. Your cat can get sick after eating these foods. Milk also often upsets your cat’s stomach.
Brushing your cat more frequently is the most common way to combat hairballs. If it doesn’t work, though, you have other options. Give your cat’s regular food an addition of pumpkin (about a teaspoon’s worth). Try also mixing in some water from tuna with the pumpkin. Another solution may be to use a cat food that has anti-hairball properties added.
When adopting a cat, consider adopting two. Cats are social creatures, and they prefer to be in the company of other feline friends. Having two will help to keep your kitty occupied, and it can make it easier to take care of your new pet. If owning two is not an option, make sure to spend extra time giving your cat love.
Feed your cat nutritionally balanced foods and always make sure they have fresh water. The best way to have a happy and healthy cat is to give them the nutrition they need to be healthy. Talk to your vet about the best kinds of foods available and the proper amount to feed them.
If your cat goes outdoors and wears a collar, make sure it is a self breaking collar in the event of an emergency. A self breaking collar will come loose if it gets stuck on something, such as a fence or tree. This can keep your pet from chocking, and it might even save your pet’s life.
As wonderful and amazing as cats are, owning a pet cat is not always easy. To be a good cat owner you must educate yourself on the best cat care tips and advice and apply what you learn. Read this article a couple of times to gain a complete understanding of what you need to do to keep your cat healthy.